Government Agencies

“I want to access these complex flood modelling results, but I’m not a flood modeller.”

Unlock Information

Simplify access to complicated flood information through the visually appealing, easy to understand and intuitive interface.

Floodplain Mapping

Easily create flood extent, flood hazard, and flood planning maps, including surface smoothing for enhanced presentation.


Easily extract water levels, flood depths, flood hazards, velocities, and VxD at any location on the floodplain.

Instant Data Sharing

waterRIDE can be used to easily share flood information both within an organisation, to external stakeholders and the general community.

waterRIDE allows government agencies to leverage their investment in, and to get more value from their floodplain modelling results, regardless of the type of flood model used.

No matter what model was used, or how it was delivered, waterRIDE makes it easy to access, without needing to be a modeller.

Flood modelling is a highly technical and complex process, involving significant time and resources. Traditionally, model results are provided to Government Agencies as reports (both hard and soft copy), and usually as processed, static GIS surfaces. Often, the end users of outputs of the flood modelling process do not have a flood modelling background or skills in the modelling software leaving an organisation no choice but to work with the limited deliverables.

Quality Assurance

Standardise interrogation of flood information and extraction of flood levels to ensure consistency in issuing data.

Single Point of Truth

waterRIDE acts as a “single point of truth”, ensuring that you are always using the correct information.

Automated Flood Certificates

Ensure fast, consistent, and quality controlled flood information is issued at the click of a button

Common Interface to Models

waterRIDE supports all flood models ensuring that all of your results look the same, regardless of the model type. 

All Flooding Mechanisms

Storm surge, riverine, overland flow or piped.

Flood Intelligence

Easily integrate flooding data with GIS datasets such as depth over floor flooding and depth over evacuation routes. Export results to external GIS platforms.

Community Education

Clearly illustrate flooding issues to the community in a highly visual manner they can understand.

Use waterRIDE LITE to share information to any device.

Easy Hydraulic Analysis

Easily analyse hydraulic results including flood hazards, damage assessment and floodway definition and categorisation.

Emergency Management 

The unique time varying analysis capability and flood forecasting features of waterRIDE provide essential information for flood emergency planning and evacuation management, including real-time flood forecasting.

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