Automated Flood Certificates

Quality Control

Ensure that the same flood information is issued for the same property, every time.


Select a property(ies) to create the certificate, live, in around 10s.

Widely Used

Used operationally by more than 75 organisations.


Word templates allow you to control formatting, layout and content. 

Automating your flood certificates creation using waterRIDE is simple, fast and affordable.

Word Template With Keywords

{Keywords} are included in a formatted Word document(s) which function as a template for your certificate.

The layout, content and general look and feel of the end product can be changed by editing your template.

Output in Word docx and/or PDF format.

Sophisticated Content

Create sophisticated flood certificates using information from a wide variety of sources, including:
- water surfaces (any parameter eg depth, level, hazard, velocity etc) 
- GIS layers
- metadata (eg study name, study date, study author)
- auto fields (version, date, time, username etc)
- maps and graphics from any waterRIDE view
- control of numeric output rounding (up/down, number of dec pl)
- linked property inundation photos
- external data in CSV files or SQL databases
- embed if/then/else queries and logic

Flexible Creation/Delivery Options

Create on demand using waterRIDE Classic and CLOUD.

Pre-process and serve online.

Live on-demand certificates (see below).

Community Facing Self-Help Portal

Using waterRIDE LITE, your automated flood certificates system can be made available directly to the community.

A simple, intuitive web-app allows the community to easily locate their property by zooming or an address search. 

Certificates are created live and emailed to users. Any updates to the template and datasets are available instantly.

Live Data

Data is read every time a certificate is created, ensuring the most up to date datasets are always used.

High Quality Graphics

Any waterRIDE view can be used in your certificates. Control level of zoom, scaling, thematic mapping and even dynamic colour range adjustment. Even include property photos with flood levels superimposed.


Existing waterRIDE users can setup a system in as little as a week.

Simple Updates

Using composite layers, a new flood study can be instantly added to the system by simply referencing the new study data layers.

Management of Overlap

If flooding datasets overlap, waterRIDE will automatically select and report from the higher water surface.

Powerful Spatial Framework

Use your land parcels and/or building footprints to create the certificate. Flood surfaces can be interrogated across the lot including min/max/avg values of any parameter.

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