Adding Links

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Adding Links

The 'Add link' button displays the Link Data dialogue box, which can be used to link an external file to fields within the GIS layer. The field values on the right of the dialogue box specify the options used to link between different files.


The active GIS layer filename is displayed. It is to this GIS layer that objects are being linked.

Link Type:

Specify the type of link to create:

 Auto_Link: Use the text in the field to link to 1 (or more) files specified in the GIS field. Multiple files must be separated by commas eg ("file 1.jpg","file 2.jpg")

 Auto_Link_Folder: Link to all files in the folder specifed in the GIS field.

 Text_Link: Link a specific text value in the GIS field to 1 (or more) specified files (eg where a field value is "Zone2B", link to the file Zone_2B.pdf)

 Number_Link: Link a specific number in the GID field to 1 (or more) specified files.

 Range_Link: Link a range of GIS values to 1 (or more) specified files (eg where the field value is between 0 and 0.3, link to the file "shallow depth definition.pdf")

 Auto_Link_Direct: Link to a specific file(s) in the selected field (eg "c:\waterRIDE\catchment1.vmmap"). This path should can be either a relative path from the GIS file, or an asbolute file path and is particularly useful when wanting to create a Master project that links to sub-projects.

 Image_Gallery: A link to a folder containing many picture files. Often, this is used for images from Flood Cameras.


clip11932Applies to:

The “Applies To:” radio group sets whether the link applies to all views in the current project, or just the current view (in this case "PMF water levels").