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Navigation:  waterRIDE FLOOD > INTERROGATE >



Allows to user to control navigation through time for a time-varying dataset.

clip12033 Peaks: Display the peak value at all nodes/cells for the active parameter, independent of when the peak value occurs (eg Peak Depth and Peak Velocity may not occur at the same timestep). This option will be the only option if a "peaks only" dataset is active.

clip12034Play: Animate the time series dataset automatically.

clip12035Step Backward/Forward: Step through the time series one timestep at a time. This can also be controlled using a time series plot from the links window.

clip12036Tracer: Trace the path of an object "dropped" into the water surface at a point in time. Will only be available if velocities are available in the results surface.

clip12037Current Step: Jump to a specific timestep (limited to datasets with < 1,000 time steps).

clip12038Animation Speed: Control the delay between successive timsteps during automatic animation.