Operating System
(Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2012+)
2GHz +
4GB +
HTML5 compatible browser
Models currently supported include (both 1D and 2D): TUFLOW, TUFLOW FV, MIKE11/21/FLOOD/SHE/URBAN, RMA2, RMA10, RMA11, InfoWorks ICM and RS, ISIS, SOBEK, DELFT 3D, FLS, SELFE, RiverFlow 2D, time-varying ASCII grid output, HEC-RAS, HEC-RAS 2D, 3Di, XP-STORM, EXTRAN (XP-SWMM), ESTRY, ANUGA, ICPR, and even hard copy results.
waterRIDE uses GDAL (www.gdal.org) to provide support the vast majority of vector and raster GIS datasets available.
The waterRIDE users manual can be downloaded from here or accessed online here.