2D Model

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2D Model

A number of 2D model results as shown in the menu can readily be converted to a waterRIDE™ surface file with very little effort. The dialogues are self explanatory and lead the user through the model files that are required. Flood Hazards can be specified for each model results converted.

Some conversion types allow batching (multiple input files can be specified). If a conversion process requires user input, batching will use the data entered for all conversions in that batch.

RMA models require the binary results file (.res, .rma or .vrs) plus the model network file (.rm1, .bnw or .geo). To account for timestep halving, the user will be asked to specify a uniform timestep for the output (0 will export all timesteps).

TUFLOW MODEL (Classic and FV) models require the mesh file (.2dm) plus the level results (*h.dat) and the velocity results (*v.dat), or the *.XMDF output. Pipe results require the 1D CSV folder. Further details are available here.

MIKE21/SHE/FLOOD/Urban model results must be in either *.dfs2, *.dt2/*.ct2, or *.dfsu format. Click here for further information.

SOBEK 2D models are slightly more complicated. The user is asked for the SOBEK project directory, where the necessary network and results files are expected to be, and the SOBEK version, and the timstep for saving can be altered. The SOBEK results include velocity magnitude, but the direction is not readily available and hence x and y velocity components cannot be imported. Generally, SOBEK modellers should use the 'ASCII Grid Results' approach, below.

DELFT3D models require the *.dat model outputs for conversion.

ANUGA models simply require the .sww results file saved complete with the mesh geometry and the time-varying results.

HEC GEO-RAS 1D conversions require the *.sdf GIS reference file (model layout) and the model results file exported as text. Export the GIS network from HEC-RAS to a HEC-RAS GIS (*.sdf) file (File => Export GIS Data => Export Data). Export your model results from HEC-RAS to a standard text file (View => Profile Summary Table => File => Write text file). The exported table must contain, at least, the following fields:

 River Name, Reach Name, Station ID, Profile, Water Surface Elevation, Total Flow

HEC-RAS 2D  conversions require the RAS2D project file (-p.hdf) and the terrain grid (.tiff/.tif).

3Di conversions require the 3Di result file results_3di.nc. The output will be a waterRIDE grid file with a uniform resolution equal to the size of the smallest quadtree element.

ICPR conversions require the basins GIS file, nodes GIS file, nodes and links result exports, and a DEM to map the result to.

InfoWorks (RS/ICM) conversions require CSV (or binary) model exports along with a CSV network export.  Further information is available here.

ISIS 1D/2D conversions require the 1D network geometry file (*.dat) and run file (*.ief). The 2D part is the same as for the TUFLOW model conversion routines.

Environment Agency uFMfSW results are static (peak only) outputs provided by the Environment Agency (UK) for surface water modelling. These outputs are generally provided as ASCII grids, with a specific file nomenclature. Details on the conversion process are provided here.

SELFE 2D conversions require the mesh layout (hgrid.gr3) and the model output files (*_dahv.62). The output files are frequently in "stacks" which are sequentially numbered representing sequential collections of model timesteps. Specifying the start and end stack number allows the user to convert only a portion of the model outputs. If only the starting stack is specified, waterRIDE™ will automatically attempt to locate subsequent stacks. For batched conversion (automatic), the starting stack *_dahv.62 files must be specified (with each results set in a separate folder) along with a common mesh file (hgrid.gr3).

RiverFlow 2D conversions require the network file  (*.2dm) and binary outputs (*.hdf5 or *.xmdf).

RUBICON (with 2D framework) conversions require a number of files. Further information is available here.

ASCII/Binary Grid Results assume the user has exported either:

 - STANDARD (Time Series) - the terrain plus a sequentially numbered set of uniform timestep grids for X-velocity, Y-velocity and Water Level. The user is prompted to enter the timestep. This method is commonly used by SOBEK modellers.

 - PEAK MODEL GRIDS - the peak water level and depth grids (as a minimum), along with available total velocity, velocity direction, VxD and Hazard grids where available. For an external hazard grid, it is essential that the correct hazards definition has been selected/installed and that an appropriate hazards correction factor has been applied. waterRIDE™ hazards are zero based. For example, the NSW Floodplain Development Manual Hazards are represented in a grid as follows:

         Low: values 0 to < 1

         Transition: values 1 to <2

         High: values 2 to < 3

 TUFLOW gridded outputs require a correction of -0.5.

 If VxD and/or Hazard values are not available, these can be calculated from the peak velocity and depth values (conservative).